Currency Code
The currency code that will be used for all currency formatting throughout your shopping cart. This code will also be used when interfacing with your payment gateway / processor.
Default Country
The country that will be selected by default during checkout for your buyers.
Invoice Start Number
The number that will be used starting out. After your first order, the number will increment from there. Leave the number as 0 if you do not want to change the current number.
Processing Fee Method
When charging a processing fee, the method used to calculate the fee. There are two choices...
- $(Fixed) - A fixed amount specified in Processing Fee Amount.
- %(Percentage) - Percentage of order subtotal based off Processing Fee Amount.
Processing Fee Amount
The amount used along with the Processing Fee Method to calculate the fee added to the order total. Leave at 0 to not charge a fee.
- Fixed Example: Enter 5.00 to charge $5.00 flat fee to the order.
- Percentage Example: Enter 5.00 to charge 5% of order subtotal to the order grant total.
Require State Province
Enabling this setting will require that the State/Province be provided by the buyer during checkout process.
Require Phone Number
Enabling this setting will require that the Phone Number be provided by the buyer during checkout process.
Show Comments Field
Enable this setting to reveal a Comments text area during the checkout process. Users will be able to include comment or special instructions with their order.
Show Discount Field
Enable this setting to reveal a Discount/Promo Code during the checkout process. Users will then be able to enter in and apply your discount codes at checkout.
Require Terms
Enable this setting to require your buyers agree to your Require Terms Text before they are allowed to finish the checkout process.
Show Subscribe Checkbox
Enable this setting to display the Subscribe to Newsletter checkbox setting at checkout. This setting assumes that you have a mailer ( i.e. MailChimp, Sendy, etc...) Add On enabled in the Add ons area.
Success Return URL
When a URL is entered here, Cartloom will redirect to it after a successful buyer checkout. This setting requires a full properly formatted URL. Leave this setting blank (default) to display the Cartloom provided final order summary instead.
Allow Payment From
Each country checked in this list will be available in the Country pull-down menus at checkout. This is a great way to only sell to countries that your willing to ship to.
Required Terms Text
Text used in conjunction with the Require Terms setting above. These terms will be displayed at checkout if Require Terms is set to YES.
Extra Inputs
Need to gather more information than what CartLoom does by default? Simply add the extra fields you would like displayed on the final step of the checkout price.
- Require
Make it so the input item is required at checkout. - Title
The text that the buyer will see as the label of your extra input. - Name
This is an internal name that no one will see, but is used internally to differentiate the different extra items. It is advised to keep this value all lowercase, alpha-numeric and no spaces. - Type
The type of input to use for this extra input. The choices are Text, Radio, Checkbox, TextArea and Pulldown. - Values
The default value or values used for the input. For Text and TextArea, uses a simple value. For the others, use a comma separated list to be used.
So if you want to offer a color input then you would do something like the example below...
- Require: checked
- Title: Color
- Name: color
- Type: Pulldown
- Values: Red,Green,Blue,Purple,Pink
The example above will display a single pulldown input with the 5 different colors as choices.
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