PayPal Email
Primary email associated with your PayPal business account.
Set this to YES if you wish to offer PayPal as a payment option at checkout.
Default Payment
Set to YES if you want PayPal checked as the default payment option during checkout.
PayPal Language Choice
The language used on the PayPal payment views seen by the buyer at checkout.
Setup PayPal Pro Permissions
This button, when clicked will take you through the guided process of setting the proper permissions need to use PayPal Pro with Cartloom. THIS IS ONLY REQUIRED WHEN USING PAYPAL PRO.
Credit Cards
Selected Gateway
The processor/gateway to use with Credit Card type payment transactions. To select your gateway, choose the gateway you want ( i.e. Stripe, AuthorizeNet, etc... ) and then click the Activate Selected Gateway button. Set to None if you do not accept Credit Cards.
Make Payment Default
Set to YES if you want Credit Card to be the default payment option selected at checkout.
Gateway Settings
After activating your selected gateway, the settings required for the gateway will appear below. Fill out the provided inputs with settings provided by the selected gateway.
Manual Payment
You can create your own payment types and corresponding instructions for your customers. The TITLE field will be presented as a payment option during checkout. You can utilize the Instructions field to provide additional information required to use the payment type.
Title: Money Order Info: Please make money order payable to ABC Co, Inc.
Title: Call In Order Info: Upon completing checkout, call us at 1-800-123-4567 to provide your credit card information
Title: COD Info: Please have a money order payable to ABC Co, Inc. ready to hand to UPS upon delivery.
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