Exports the order data you need using the Cartloom Export Orders feature. Cartloom provides several options and formats to get your data.
Export all data* from specified orders. Just fill out the provided settings, then click the Export button. The exported data file should start downloading for you. Please note that some larger data sets may take a little bit longer.
Start Date
When searching for orders, this will be the starting point used. Orders made before this date will not be included in the export.
Stop Date
When searching orders , this will be the stopping point used. Orders made after this date qill not be included in the export.
Order Data Points
Sometimes you may not need all the data provided in orders exports. Because of this we have included a way to select only the options you want included in the export.
Export file type
The file format the data will be constructed with during export. The formats available are JSON, XML, CSV ( comma separated values ) and Tab Delimited values.
Export Incomplete ( On Hold ) Orders
Include all orders, including incomplete order, in your export.
* Extra Fields and Order Items are not available in CSV format.
Export all contact information gathered from orders of specific or all product(s).
Customers that Purchased
Select from a list of current products to obtain contact information on customers that purchased matching product(s). You can select a single product or just choose All Products to get them all at once. The following values will be included in the CSV ( comma separated values ) file.
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