Abandoned Carts
Abandoned carts shows any carts that have not completed the checkout process within a 7 day period. The table shows vital information you will need to contact the customer to see if you can save the sale.
The following items are listed...
- Timestamp
The date and time of the last interaction (add/update/delete) with the cart. - Customer
The name and email of the customer. - Items
The number of items in the cart when abandoned. - Total
Subtotal of the cart and it's contents. - Action Menu
Recover - Make contact with the customer via email regarding their abandoned cart.
Delete - Delete the cart.
Recover Settings
These settings are used when attempting to recover an abandoned cart. The values entered here will be used as the defaults when selecting Recover from the Action Menu of each cart.
- Auto Email Reminder ( PRO feature* )
Enabling this setting will automatically email the customer of abandoned carts at a specified interval. After the email is sent, the cart will no longer show up in Abandoned Carts table. - How Old? ( PRO feature* )
The age of the abandoned cart needs to be before an Auto Email Reminder is sent. - Default Subject
The default text used as the subject of the email sent to customer. - Default Reply-To Address
The default reply-to address of the email sent to the customer. - BCC Address
Have every message sent to a specified address as a blind carbon copy (bcc). - Email Template
Configure the format and wording of the default email template used when emailing a customer. Predefined template variables ( located below the template input area ) are included to personalize the content of the email message. Simply drag and drop the variables into your message where you want to use them.
* Pro Plan required.
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