Product Title
The name of your product.
Sub Title (optional)
Very brief secondary title the helps describe the product.
Product Slug
A unique text string used as an identifier for the product in the URL. This comes in handy when sharing links to your products buy pages via social media.
Example: my-awesome-product
Product Active
Establishes the availability of the product. Products that are marked NO will not be allowed to be placed in shopping carts.
Compare Price
The price displayed beside actual price as to show a "compare to price". The compare price will be displayed with a slash through it, beside the actual sale price. This is commonly used to during sales and specials.
Product Price
The actual sale price of the product. Do not include any currency symbols with price.
Private Notes
Notes that only you the seller can see. This a good place to jot down specifics on your product settings.
The category or group the product belongs to. This value is used with Product Groups and Storefront.
New Category
If category is not already created, then use this field to create a new one assigned to the product being edited/added.
SKU (optional)
Your internal SKU number for the product.
Expire Date (optional)
Set an expiration date for your product. When the expiration date is reached, the product will no longer be available for sale. Leave this field empty to never expire.
Storefront Feature
If set to YES, then this product will be listed under Featured Items in Storefront.
Storefront Hide
If set to YES, then this product will not be available and hidden in Storefront.
Adjustable Price
Setting this to YES will allow the buyer to set the price of the product via a provided price input. This feature is highly useful when creating donation type products where the buyer can give what they wish.
Qualifying Purchase
The past purchase of another product (of your choice) is required to purchase this product. This is a useful option for selling upgrades to previous versions of products. A previous purchase from any of the selected products, will qualify the purchase of this product. Verification is based on the buyer's email address.
Apply Sales Tax
When enabled, Cartloom will attempt to calculate sales tax on this item based on tax rules established in your account.
Sort Weight
This numeric value is used in conjunction with Product Groups to establish desired sorting order. Low (0) to high (100) . The lowest sort value numbers will be listed at the top, with everything flowing underneath in descending order.
After Sale Message
A short message displayed with final product info on order page and email receipts. This a great place to include links to product documentation or instructions.
Adjustable Quantity
Allows the buyer to adjust the number of items added to cart via dropdown menu.
Single Purchase
Only a single instance of the product can be present in the shopping cart. This is good for selling software, where selling multiple copies is not necessary. If item is already in cart, then an error will be shown on subsequent adds.
Adjust Quantity as Text
Allows the buyer to adjust the number of items added to cart via number input ( instead of dropdown ).
Min Quantity Limit
The minimum number of items that can be purchased per order. If using a dropdown quantity input, this will be the lowest number listed as an option.
Max Quantity Limit
The maximum number of items that can be purchased per order. If using a dropdown quantity input, this will be the highest number listed as an option.
If set to YES, then Cartloom will monitor your product's inventory count. Successful sales will decrement the count based on quantity ordered. Once a products inventory has been depleted, the product will no longer be available for sale. Products that have 0 inventory will also display a "out of stock" message in embedded snippet output.
The current number of the products available
If YES, Cartloom will display "In Stock" or "Items Left" label. This lets your customers know about availability without showing detailed inventory count.
Low Limit
When inventory reached this level, a warning message will be presented to customers.
Products that have this enabled will trigger checkout to gather shipping information from the buyer and provide available shipping options based on product weight.
The weight of the product in pounds. This value should be a valid number with no symbols or text included. In order for the product to be considered for shipping, it must have a weight higher than 0.
Please read this article for how to configure shipping weights.
Settings found in the Page tab are geared toward embedded products and Storefront product page viewing.
Drag and drop images you wish to associate with your product. The first image will always be the primary image used for listings and cart views. You can use formats PNG, GIF or JPG. The max file size is 2 MB per image. Free and Plus plans are allowed 6 images per product. PRO plans are allowed 12 images.
Long description of your product.
Short keywords used to help buyers find your products in Product Groups and Storefront.
Unavailable Message
Message that is displayed when product is unavailable ( not active ) or out of stock (inventory)
Extra Info
Additional information specific to the product displayed in a nice formatted list.
For example: Shipping (label) - Items will be shipped within 24 hours of placed order. (description)
Elements that can be toggled on and off per product.
- Sidebar Description Position - Show product description in product page sidebar
- Allow Social Sharing - Includes social sharing links* attached to each product.
- Display an Email Contact Link - Includes a Contact Us email link with product page.
* AddThis account is required for this feature. Don't worry, they have a free account :-)
External Page Link
The URL that is used with Social Sharing links.
Custom "Add to Cart" Text
Custom value used in place of default Add to Cart text. This is a per product setting and not global. This way each product can display it's own unique value if you wish.
Spin Offs
Product Spin-Offs allow the seller to have a single product with multiple variations on key values. Each spin-off will have their own size, weight, price and inventory. For example, you can sell a single design on many different t-shirt styles.
Spinoffs Active
Set to YES if you wish to use spin-offs on this product. When active, the product's base price, weight, file and inventory settings are ignored in lieu of the spin-off values.
Use Radios
Display spin-off choices as a radio list instead of the default dropdown menu.
Spinoff Label
Label displayed above the spin-off choices.
Each spin-off's values ( of the parent product ) will be used in add-to-cart functions, shipping and availability queries. Price, weight and inventory on the Basics tab will be ignored if Spin-offs are enabled.
Name used to describe the spin-off.
SKU value of the product spin-off or variant.
If product is digital, then the file that will be delivered. Value needs to be exact match of the file name uploaded.
The shipping weight of this spin-off.
The price for the product when this spin-off is selected.
The inventory count for this spin-off.
IMPORTANT: When using spin-offs, the primary Inventory Count, Weight, Digital File and Price settings are overridden by the spin-off values.
Example spin-offs:
- Short sleeved T-shirt for $14.95 weighs 16oz. and has 120 in inventory.
- Long sleeved T-shirt for $19.95 weighs 24oz. and has 170 in inventory.
- Sweatshirt for $29.95 weighs 36oz. and has 60 in inventory.
Options are unique aspects of a given product. For example, a t-shirt would have Size as the Title and Medium, Small, Large as the possible option choices. Choosing Text as the Input will require the buyer to enter the value for the option.
Options Active
When set to YES, the product options will be presented within the embedded product information.
Each option has the following settings...
The name given to the option. Will be included with product info in cart.
The input type used to gather the option value. The choices are Radio ( radio buttons ) , Select ( dropdown menu ) and Text ( basic text input ).
Choices / Default Value
The data used to fill the Type inputs. For Radio and Select you should uses a comma separated list of values to use used to create the form inputs. For Text you would only include a value if you want a default value to already be typed in.
Example options: A t-shirt would have Size as the Title and Child, Small, Medium, Large and X-Large as the possible option choices. The X-Large choice will cost 1.00 extra. The Child size will cost 1.00 less. Format is label;(+/-)0.00
Child ( - $1.00 );-1.00
X-Large ( + $1.00 );+1.00
Digital settings apply to products that are digital and delivered by Cartloom after the sale via electronic means. Examples would be software, ebooks and mp4s.
Digital Active
Set YES to tell Cartloom the product is digital.
File Delivery
Send Link
Provide a download link when product is purchased.
Remote Download
Seller is using their own AWS S3 account. Some use this to deliver files larger than 100MB , the Cartloom limit. This must be setup in Add Ons area to function properly.
Maximum Downloads
Downloads will be Limited or Unlimited.
Max Download Count
If Maximum Downloads is set to Limited, then the maximum number of times the buyer is allowed to download your product using the delivered link.
Download Expires
The amount of time following the sale where the product links expire and cease to function.
*Current Digital File (local files)
The file name and file size of the product's digital file. Files are added by dragging and dropping into the drop-zone directly above this setting.
*Remote S3 File Name (remote files)
The file name used on the seller's remote S3 account. Do not include the URL, only the file name.
Serial Numbers
Deliver product serial numbers along with order invoices. These can also be delivered after the sale via our Order Lookup functionality.
Delivery Method
The method in which Cartloom will deliver the product's serial numbers.
- None - Serial Numbers are not delivered at all.
- Local Delivery - Cartloom pulls from your Serial Numbers list.
- License Builder - Cartloom will build a custom serial number ( see License Builder Add-on )
- Remote Delivery URL - Cartloom sends order info to remote URL to retrieve the product serial number.
Low Limit
The number of serial numbers remaining that trigger low limit warnings to the seller.
Remote Delivery URL
The URL Cartloom will query ( with order data ) to request the serial number for the product. This is sometimes used when serial number is generated based on product + buyer email address.
The POST data sent is...
- Quantity
- Cartloom Product ID
- Buyer First Name
- Buyer Last Name
- Buyer Email
- Transaction ID from sale
Serial Numbers
A list of available serial numbers to distribute with each product sale. One serial number will be removed and delivered for each product sold. Numbers should be one per line separated by line breaks.
This is where the magic of Cartloom kicks in. Snippets on this page allow you to place your shopping cart and products virtually anywhere you can paste a snippet of code.
Page Embed
Embed your product Page directly into any remote web page. This snippet includes images, description, social links, etc... The content will change based on setting you make in the Seller Admin.
Page Link
This URL will take visitors directly to your product page, bypassing the need for a website. This responsive, fully designed page, can be shared anywhere links are allowed.
Buy Buttons
Embed your product But Button directly into any remote web page. This will only embed the buttons necessary to add product to shopping cart. Use Page Embed if you want the whole shi-bang with images and everything. The content will change based on setting you make in the Seller Admin.
Quick Buy
This URL will add item to cart, then jump immediately to checkout. Quick Buy URL is only available on products with NO options or spin-offs. Ideal for digital products. This URL can be used multiple times on the same page.
Advanced Use
Power users. Bring your own style to Cartloom's buttons by adding cartloom classes to your markup.
Cartloom Javascript (REQUIRED)
This should be placed a SINGLE time on your product(s) page in order for CartLoom to function properly. The preferred location would be just before the </body> tag.
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